Asset Protection from Bushfires
Asset Bushfire Protection Services
Asset Protection Services combine an array of arbor and vegetation management services that are crucial for properties within bush fire prone areas.
Similarly, an Asset Protection Zone is a fuel-reduced area surrounding a building or an asset of value whether residential, commercial, industrial or environmental. This simply means that available vegetation is reduced in that area to decrease the impact of a bush fire.
By complying with APZ requirements, you increase the safety of residents in your community as well as firefighters and emergency respondents that are involved during a bush fire.
Asset Protection Zone Services are usually implemented after a BAL assessment and in conjunction with Hazard Separation and Building Protection Zone Services.
Service Area
Asset Protection Perth & WA
At present, we offer asset protection services in Perth and WA.
We regularly service suburbs north of the river from Yanchep to Joondalup to Hillarys to Subiaco and south of the river from South Perth to Mosman Park to Fremantle to Wattle Grove to Armadale, Rockingham and Mandurah.
We also regularly provide asset protection in the Perth Hills including suburbs like Mundaring, Kalamunda, Martin and Armadale.
If you live in regional WA, please get in touch with our team to see if we can remove trees in your area.
Getting a
Asset Protection Quote
When selecting an asset protections service provider, make sure they take into account council guidelines, and are able to remove all types of vegetation in order to meet your requirements. All WA TreeWorks Asset Protection quotes will reflect value for money and take into account the following factors:
- Your objectives
- Tree & Vegetation Assessment, including the species, native or non-native, size, age, health.
- Tree & Vegetation risks – any restrictions that should be considered including the position of vegetation in relation to land use, underground services AND overhead power lines.
- Appropriate equipment
- Environmental concerns
In addition to asset protection, we also offer tree removal services.
Start a Conversation
Let us know how we can help you and arrange a time for a site inspection.
Needs Analysis
Our tree experts assess your requirements and provide practical advice.
Advice & Quote
A recommended course of action and obligation free quote will be provided.
Job Execution
Upon quote acceptance, an agreed date will be chosen to complete the job.
Asset Protection Costs
The price of our asset protection services depends on several factors including your location, the type and size of the tree(s), the proximity to other works and the accessibility of the tree. All these factors considered, we are confident that our prices are competitive in the Perth market.
We cannot provide approximate prices here on our website but we can provide expert advice based on your budget and timeframe. Please feel free to contact us with any questions on 1800 088 733.
If you’re ready to get started, please request an obligation free tree inspection so that we can ensure the job will be completed in a professional manner, to meet your expectations.