As we’re in the midst of spring, there’s no better time to make sure that your trees are in proper health – not just after the cold winter months but also before the heat of summer begins.
Here are 5 tips for your trees to make sure that they’re in the best condition:
1. Carefully inspect trees and shrubs
Take a close look at your trees and shrubs for any signs of damage brought about by the past cold winter months, as well as for anything unusual this spring such as:
- Unusual pest activity – Insects become active during spring. Seek help from arborists when you see signs of diseases and insects.
- Critical risk trees – Tree removal by professionals may be necessary.
- No leaves – If there are parts of the tree which are not coming into leaf, it may indicate they’re dead.
2. Mulch, and mulch properly
Check mulch rings to see if you need to add more. Tree mulches help retain moisture and manage weeds, and is especially important when caring for younger trees. Ideally, mulch should not go less than 2 inches so that grass growing through won’t be troublesome. Also, ensure that you apply the layer around the bottom of the tree – not against the tree trunk – so you don’t encourage fungal growth.
3. Fertilise appropriately
Fertilisation should be part of your annual care for plants and trees. It’s best to apply a slow-release fertiliser to boost their resistance against diseases and insects and replace nutrients.
4. Prune only dead and damaged branches
The best time to for tree pruning is during winter when the tree is dormant. However, prune damaged, broken and dead branches during spring to encourage new growth. Remember to take extra care with pruning as this affects a tree’s behavior. It’s best to call a reputable arborist if you’re unsure how to proceed.
5. Ensure there’s enough water
As the weather gets warmer, make sure that you’re watering your trees and plants enough to encourage leaf and shoot development – especially when spring weather is dry. Deep watering enhances growth of robust roots underground and prevent weak surface roots from developing. To ensure there’s proper moisture, check the soil 4-6 inches below the surface once a week.